Saturday, 28 July 2012

"y-am what i y-am" no popeye not olive oyl ARGAN OIL

OK I'll admit it. My first thought when I saw Josie Maran Argan Oil was of pretty little liars and Hanna Marin. She has lovely skin and she can apparently pass for a 16 year old even though she's my age so it's no surprise this particular impulse buy made it into my basket.
I want to say nice things about this product-and I will-but for the money it sure doesn't last long.  Now I know you're meant to mix it with your moisturiser (it's the first Argan oil product designed specifically for the face) so you're not meant to use much, and the eyedropper you use to get it out the bottle reinforces that message but COME ON! bought it the beginning of June and now it's gone. My face isn't that big! I really begrudge spending that amount of money for not even 2 months use. I will because of the benefits but I will begrudge every penny.
Like I said (well you might of missed it with all my moaning) this product does have a lot of positives which are...drum roll please...
  • It's especially good for spot prone skin-always used to get the odd spot-now every day is a clear skin day
  • It blurs and makes fine lines less noticeable. A million times better than that awful vile Nanoblur whose sole job was that.
  • It's a 100% pure. Not that chemicals particularly bother me...
  • You get a healthy glow from it. and I have oily skin!
  • It helps reduce hyper pigmintation-I have sun damaged skin on my forehead which shows when I've been in the sun....well used to.
  • For any germ freaks out there it's a lot more hygienic than dipping your finger in a pot of moisturiser twice a day
  • It's a good "all rounder" can be used on your hair, cuticles etc...well you could if it lasted longer !!!!
Maybe I should move to Morocco. It would be cheaper there...

Sunday, 22 July 2012

botox or notox? i am the frozen queen

I've always understood the whole never never growing up philosophy of Peter Pan. I don't mean I want to relive 2002 (the year i turned 18) or start wearing green tights but a wrinkle free face? yes please!!
I was 26 when I first had it done. I'm tall and look my age and having older friends who were constantly mistaken for younger than me knocked my confidence...or threw me into a mood so evil i put Lex Luther to shame, however you want to phrase it so I booked myself an appointment.
I had it done between my eyebrows (glabellar lines ) as all those times I forgot to put on sunglasses and just squinted were beginning to show and you know what they say prevention is better than cure.
In my opinion botox isn't that big a deal. I had it after work and its literally a 5 min appointment. What's frustrating is waiting 4-5 days for it to work. I was obsessed about knowing when it started so I spent the best part of as week running to every mirror I saw and  trying to frown then groaning when I still could (slightly embarrassing when you're out or at work) but 5 days later frowning was a thing of the past.
I'm not ashamed of having botox. In my mind its maintenance like having your hair done or having a facial. There's nothing wrong with trying to look the best you can but do feel its like a drug. Once you've started it's really hard to stop. My last lot was in march and its wearing off which is making me irritable every time I see myself frown. You get used to your forehead not moving and feeling smooth and start comparing every line on everyone elses faces to yours.
It's hard being a girl. Maybe Barbie had it right all along by being plastic

Friday, 20 July 2012

a blissful virgin

Does anyone remember the magazine 'Bliss'? I used to read it when I was about 11 then overnight it changed and turned into the biggest load of rubbish ever. Either that or I suddenly matured and that was the reason it seemed ridiculous and boring but that doesn't sound like me. If you had to pick 3 words even now to describe me "mature" wouldn't be one of them. In fact "mature" wouldn't make the top 100. Anyway my complete hatred of the magazine and by extension the word "bliss" has made me, until today, a bliss skincare virgin.
To pop my proverbial bliss cherry I have spent the afternoon at the spa having the famous triple oxygen facial. Like all first timers I was scared I'd be left disappointed having built the whole facial up in my head so it was no longer just a facial but a miracle waiting to happen.
The facial lasts an hour and 15mins and the triple oxygen instant energising mask and eye mask are meant to complement it and be "at home" versions.but lets start at the beginning since its a "unusual" facial...
First the skin is cleansed and exfoliated ,then a fruit acid is applied where the word "stinging" comes to mind rather than the "tingling" they say. (as you can see this post is very keyword orientated.) but as the saying goes beauty is pain...then the oxygen starts with a oxygen cream which is covered in a wrap to open up the pores.... then the torture begins where they "extract them"
Just as I was beginning to think that I liked my pores where they were I was rewarded with a calming oxygen mask which must be code for miracle worker as instead of the blotchy red skin I was expecting after those "extractions" (I keep thinking teeth when I hear the word extraction) it was clear, glow-y and even.  Would I have the facial again? ummm...probably not. I'm not saying it wasnt great. It was. Just not worth the money. If it was cheaper I may change my once a month facial who knows.
Now the "at home" versions. The mask goes on and feeling light with a fresh citrus-y smell. it  goes on as a gel then turns into a fizzing foam. think champagne for the skin. I know it sounds stupid as fizzing bubbles don't mean anything but subconsciously you think its fizzing that means its working!!!!
My first look in the mirror confirms why this was voted one of Instyles best beauty buys...can you say glowing?!!! the $60,000 question is how long will it last? This to be honest is what I'm worried about. When you try to read about it you just get told about how it "delivers oxygen to the skin with innovative fluid02 technology" ....all sounds good BUT WHAT THE HECK IS FLUID02 TECHNOLOGY??? all I want to know is that it works. Don't need a science lesson. It's recommended that this is used twice a week so technically I shouldn't need to use this until Tuesday and my skin should stays glowy. Has anyone used this? Should I prepare for disappointment or add it to my boyfriend snaring list of products?
It's hard to say whether this is worth the money just yet since I've only used it today and my skin wasn't bad to begin with. (I'm a religious cleanse, tone , moisturiser-er and think going to bed with makeup on is a mortal sin.) Putting my foundation on after my facial I felt it went on smoother and looked better but for the money i think i could find better products out there...

Monday, 16 July 2012

screw the iphone,lip gloss is the best invention of the 21st century

Behold the best invention of the 21st century:

I know these have been out a while but in case you've been living in a cave let me tell you what science has done for us. GOSH light n shine lip gloss is genius. Actual genius.
I have literally hundreds of lip glosses but always come back to this one even thought I'm not usually a fan of GOSH.

Packaging: Rectangular tube with a brush applicator. Now here's the amazing part......get ready to say WOW!!!... it has a mirror on one side and when you take the brush out it lights up!!!...i know WOW!!! right? I really cant tell you how useful this is. If you're in a club, the cinema or just outside when its dark, having a light and a mirror makes badly applied lip gloss a thing of the past and it's much, much easier to have all three things built in one. I don't know about you but my going out handbags are all ridiculously small so multi-purpose products are a must. The only down side I can find packaging wise is the bristles on the brush end up splaying out when you've used it a few times. Gets right on my nerves.

Product similar to: MAC dazzleglass. Only cheaper. Even more so now as it's currently on offer at £5.99

Shade: The shade in the photos and my personal favourite is 01 which is a clear gloss with pink and purple glitter. Sounds gross i know but soooo pretty. Wearable by itself or over another colour for added gloss and sparkle.

Actual product: Not that pigmented but plenty of wearable shimmer. The glitter doesn't look like glitter if that makes sense and by that I mean its not "gritty" like some glitter glosses and there's not massive chunks of it. Nice subtle smell and not sticky but you do have to apply frequently throughout the day. The downside of all lip glosses. Another random problem I have with this is that it transfers really well so if you kiss someone on the cheek you leave an actual impression of your lips in sparkles on them. Not bad if you want to mark them as yours but be careful wearing it and kissing someone you shouldn't be...actually on second thoughts don't worry about it. Whats life without a little bit of danger?!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

the eyes and lows of novalash eyelash extensions

The thought of having a new boyfriend fills me with dread sometimes. I'm not saying I want to be a spinster (I hate cats) but that initial period of having to impress someone 24 hours a day....well that's just too stressful. If any of you have seen me first thing in the morning you will know why. I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Maybe I was who knows. I'm a heavy sleeper but hair stuck up at all angles, morning breath, no makeup on.....that's quite a picture I'm painting for you isn't it?
I've been the person who has set my alarm for 5.30 in the morning, secretly brushed my hair and put on some makeup and then pretended to be asleep and woken up "pretty" but surely there must be a easier option..drum roll please...........eyelash extensions.
Eyelash extensions really do transform you from blah to wow in a instant.
This time I had Novalash put on. I have previously tried Xtreme lashes and Hollywood lashes but lost interest with them both as they fell out ridiculously quickly leaving me with huge gaps and didn't give me the volume and length I craved. I heard good things about Novalash and one of my patients wore them and I had a girl crush on her lashes so made my appointment. (just to make it clear before I go on that I don't work for Novalash or benefit in anyway from my review. It's merely my opinion as are all my entries)
My appointment was like any other lash appointment. 2 hours with your eyes shut while someone patiently glues the extension on to each individual eyelash but it was the end result that was different. We all know to gain more volume you need lashes of different lengths but she had created a glamorous fan of lashes Beyonce herself would be jealous of.
They have been in 2 weeks now and obviously shed along with your natural eyelashes and this is still the result: (taken with no makeup on so you can see how they are naturally)
They use a platinum bond adhesive which has won awards for lasting and are the only lashes I know of where you can still use oils on your face and it wont break down the glue. Great news as I swear by Moroccan oil.
 xoxo till next time and if your out and about and get swept up in what feels like a hurricane it's probably just me batting my eyelashes

lip gloss goes on lips- not superglue. BENEFIT LIP GLOSS

It's happened to everyone. At least that's what I tell myself when I'm fleeing the scene red faced. You see a hot guy. You look at him. He looks at you. You go to walk past working your cute jeans and thanking the lord for the good hair day then it happens. The wind picks up and large quantities of hair gets stuck in your lip gloss leaving you looking like a extra from planet of the apes and coughing up a hair ball. Whats a girl to do? we have to have our lip gloss. The answer to our prayers...(cue angel voices singing in triumph).... Benefit ultra plush lip glosses. The truly non sticky lip gloss.
There are 6 shades to choose from. My 2 favourites coralista and dandelion and dallas, hoola, sugarbomb and bella bamba. Sound familiar? Yep they match all of Benefits pretty boxed powders and blushers. Its the makeup equivalent of matching your handbag to your shoes. First it was Urban Decay with the matching eyeliner/nail varnish now this. A dream come true for all those who like order in their lives.
I bet a lot of you are surprised I like these. After all I don't do subtle and by Benefits own omission they are sheer but for days when your working your eyes and want a sheer pearly "natural" lip look no further.
Dandelion is a pretty, girly light pink with some shimmer (grown up shimmer, not 12 year old look at me shimmer) and has a nice fruity smell that will make you want to lick your lips.
Sugarbomb is definitely the nudest colour with only a hint of pink but has specks of shimmer in that catch the light and look gorgeous.
 Not a fan of shimmer? (I'm giving you a weird look, who hates shimmer?!) then go for Dallas. Its a pinker version of sugarbomb but no shimmer.
Coralista is surprise, surprise a coral colour but a sheer one. So if the coral colours seem too bright to you or you're nervous of them give this a try. It can open a whole new world of makeup colour for you. Its coral for beginners. Also looks great with a tan. Not that the UK remembers what the sun looks like. Wettest summer since records began. GRRR.
Hoola is a browny/gold colour which I personally can't stand. I hate brown and just doesn't do anything for me so I will say no more....oh OK ...uurgghh! Definitely not my cup of tea.
On that note I have to go before my recurring nightmare of the colour brown starts.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

who doesnt love an orgasm?!

There are only a few cult products in the beauty world. Ones which every brand tries (and fails) to copy and NARS orgasm blusher is right at the top. In fact orgasm is so cult that NARS have created the whole orgasm collection with a lip gloss, nail varnish and so on but its the blusher that's a stand out.
Its a colour that's wearable for everyone and don't be put off when its described as peach. Obviously the people who say that have no idea what a peach looks like. I'm not saying I'm a religious 5 a day girl (unless chocolate orange counts) but i can tell a peach from the colour pink.
Orgasm is a just ran around the park and don't i look healthy and glowy pink!!!! OK rant over! people cant help being colourblind I guess.
Every one's got there own reasons why they love the NARS blushers but mine is because its just so highly pigmented. I'm not a subtle person. You cant be on a husband hunt like I am and have anything subtle about you (well not if you do it properly) and nothing annoys me more than finding what you think is a lovely shade of eyeshadow/blusher etc only to put it on and  it to be so barely there its like wearing nothing at all. I'm not saying you need to look like a clown but  colour is good! embrace the colour! and the shimmer. Did I mention the shimmer? Oh yes this is the blusher that just keeps on giving. All for the low, low price of....well its quite expensive but as my nan always say "buy cheap buy twice"
So ill leave you with two thoughts: don't buy a copycat when the original is always the best and  who doesn't love an orgasm?!
xoxo my pretties

Friday, 13 July 2012

sexy foundation is the key to everything

So have any of you girlies tried the new Yves saint Laurent touche eclat foundation yet? I must admit I was slightly dubious in trying it. The touche eclat is great, fantastic, a beauty must have but the same sexy highlight ALL over the face?! ummmm.
But given my recent obsession with all things Yves saint Laurent  (if i ever have a baby I'll name her Yves- I'm that obsessed) I decided to give it a go and i have two words for you and they are f***ing wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets start with the bottle. Its one for the dressing table ladies! looks much more expensive than it actually is. Nice thick heavy bottle and the normal YSL gold. Definitely the Elle McPherson of the foundation bottles. and the pump makes applying it the easiest thing ever. First pump gives you a light coverage similar to using a BB cream and the second pump gives you that sexy airbrushed look. I work in a surgery with the brightest, most unflattering lights ever that highlight ever flaw i have and a few i didn't realise i even had and you have never heard so many compliments on my skin.
It comes in 22 shades in 3 categories (rosy beige,beige and golden beige) so unless you are green or use far too much fake tan and are a oompa loompa shade of orange there really is a shade for everyone and if that isn't enough its got liquid gold in it! I feel like Midas and now I feel smug and clever that I even know who Midas is. What other foundation gives you that much self esteem??!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

the big thursday news

So guess what I'm doing on thursday? Drum roll please.........Having eyelash extensions again!!!! woo-hoo! yay! yipee! and other excited words. Now I've had them before and wasn't over impressed. They never lasted long on me, only 6-7 days without great clumps of them falling out and do you know how hard it is to do a eyelash combover???? but this time im trying novalash which i hope suits me better than xtreme or hollywood lashes.
This time next week I could be fluttering my long camel lashes at some sexy guy but then again there only eyelashes not a miracle worker


So what did you get at IMATS? I hear you ask. Out of all the stuff you bought (couldnt carry it all) what was the stand out product?'m embarrassed to say the thing i'm most pleased with is the Maybelline age rewind concealer I got in the supermarket on the way back.
Now before you roll your eyes and possibily throw things at me let me explain. THIS IS THE BEST UNDER EYE CONCEALER EVER!!!!! why o why dont they sell this in the UK god only knows. I'm seriously considering moving just to be in shopping distance of it. Details of IMATS soon but couldnt wait to share the good concealer news and this is as good as shouting it from the rooftops

lipgloss and kisses

Hi my lovelies. Me again. Sorry I've been quiet lately but i've been doing important scientific research...You know Einstein and whatnot. I put to the test just how long ysl rouge pur couture vernis a levres glossy stain actually lasts and whether its drink proof and kiss proof (the things i do in the name of research)
I got shade 15 rose vinyl which is a bit daring for me, i'm more of a statement eye and nude lip girl but trust me if you have pale skin it has that pop of colour our skin needs.
Day 1 of the test was a work day. I do my makeup about 8am and have my first cup of tea around 8.45 so i'm usually reapplying right before i start seeing patients at 9am.
On the test day i applied the glossy stain (what's with the weird smell by the way??!!) blotted it and applied a second coat as per instructions and carried on...At first my heart sank. The first sip of the day and i take the cup away from my mouth and noticed it had left a large pink stain on it but i needed not to of ran to the mirror because it lasted! Yes the gloss part of it was long gone but my lips were still stained a nice bright pink. and that was the same after the second, third and fourth cup (tiny bit obsessed with tea) and no matter how many men i insisted on kissing in the name of "science" it was still there.
The bottom line is if you want the wet look of gloss you will have to reapply as often as you would with a traditional gloss but if its the colour that makes you swoon this is for you. Think of all the extra time you will have now without reapplying lipgloss every 5 could learn a language ;-)
i'll be back soon. If you have any questions and comments feel free to chat. I don't bite. Well if i did my lipgloss would still be flawless :-)